Players Alliance Members Donating MLB Salaries

The Players Alliance, made up of more than 100 Black current and former MLB players, announced Thursday that its members will donate their salaries from Thursday’s and Friday’s games to the organization to support its efforts to combat racial inequality and aid Black families and communities affected by recent events.

MLB is celebrating Jackie Robinson Day on Friday during a week in which three games were postponed Wednesday and seven on Thursday as players reacted to the weekend shooting by police of Jacob Blake, a Black man, in Wisconsin.

“The color of our skin is the uniform we wear every day. We cannot change that,” The Players Alliance said in a statement. “What we can change is the pain and injustice the Black community has suffered for far too long. We are determined to use our platform to speak out, and encourage our teammates and fans to help make our voices even louder.

“… We cannot stand idly by and wait for change — in our game or in our country. We encourage our allies and fans to join us in taking action. With your support, we can and will rewrite our story, creating a more equal world we can all live in together.”

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The Players Alliance
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